Saturday 8 August 2020

How to Write an Assignment on Management Subject

Assignment on Management Subject
Management is a subject which deals with the managing, organizing, planning, leading, controlling and supervising tasks, people, processes, finances and goals mainly for profit maximization and smooth flow of the system. Management is a vast discipline which includes financial management, marketing, human resource management, supply chain management, operations management, quality management and IT management.

How Management Assignments are Different Other Subjects Assignments:
The assignments related to management subjects are different from other subjects’ assignments that are mostly written with help of assignment writing services. For instance, computer science assignments are mostly about coding, developing a new program or modifying an existing one, but management assignment involves theory, practical work, projects and case studies. You have to provide logical reasoning and critical analysis for every statement, for example, if you have marketing assignment you have to provide the proper reasoning for selection of a marketing strategy and also have to provide its implications on other activities of the organization and forecast its impact on future of the organization. Management subjects deal with figures and you need to mention exact and accurate figures in assignments for getting the right analysis.

The Assignment Writing Process:
Firstly and most importantly you need to understand the question and its requirements. Carefully read the instructions or guidelines given for doing the assignment. Make a checklist of these instructions and paste it on your table or on front walls as a reminder and you can also use it at the time of proofreading. Now coming back to the question of assignment, if the question of assignment is long and requires you to answer about multiple things, then break down the question into parts and make a list of each part and right below each part mention the sub topics related to it. Now make an outline of your assignment. This will be a tentative outline. In this outline you will roughly list out the topics or sections you want to include; for suppose if you have to write an assignment on Marketing you will make a rough outline like the ones below based on your general knowledge about the topic.
  • Definition of Marketing
  • Types of marketing
  • Marketing strategies
  • Examples of good marketing
  • Marketing channels

Sometimes assignment topics are new for you and you have no idea about them. In such cases you directly jump to research for getting knowledge instead of making a rough outline. Now in the next step you will do the research about each heading and subheadings of your tentative outline and note down your data. Now you have a better idea and knowledge about the topic after doing research so in the next step you will create a final outline like the one given below.
  • Definition of marketing
  • Planning the marketing
  • Marketing Segmentation
  • Branding
  • Product Life cycle
  • Pricing
  • Market Comparison
  • Distribution 
After making a complete outline you start drafting. A good assignment requires good and enough time. Spending proper time on research, drafting, formatting and editing is very much necessary. If you are not satisfied with your drafts and need to write it again and again, don’t think that you are wasting time. In fact, rewriting is improving your skills and you get a new idea every time you rewrite your work. After writing a final draft you review your work for editing and proofreading. Here you will use the checklist created in start for checking whether your assignment fulfills all the given requirements. Do the proper formatting according to the instructions given by your instructor.

Solving Case Study Based Assignments:
Management assignments are mostly based on case studies and scenarios for giving students a better and practical understanding of the management challenges. For solving case studies you need to read the case study again and again until you get the full meaning. Highlight the important events and terminologies like a specific decision. Relate the terminologies highlighted in case study to the theories and concepts studied in the course. Make your concepts clear about these terminologies. Organize the information. Read the questions and then speed-read the case study. Roughly write points in front of each question then relate these points with the case study to get that portion of case study containing information related to the question.

Some Common Mistakes:
Stick to the point but don’t forget to write your opinion where required. Remember every management related assignment requires conclusion and recommendations based on your opinion. Avoid using unnecessary and irrelevant details. Follow the instructions and guidelines provided with the assignment. Always use authentic sources for gathering information.