Monday 19 February 2018

How To Write Business Taxation Assessment Task?

The money that is paid as a tax by a company, an organization or any other firm is known as the taxation. The process that is done by a company or an organization in order to assess the task of paying the taxes is known as the business taxation assessment task. The process of assessing the business taxation task consists of the three columns. The first column is known as the balance list. The second column is known as the reality checklist for the business. The last column is known as the assessment task. If you are not able to write the business taxation assessment task, then you can get help from the coursework writing services. If you are going to write down the business assessment task by yourself, then you should keep in mind the following tips;

1) Associate with the tax assessors:

The best way to write down the business taxation assessment in an effective way is to associate with the tax assessors. Its reason is that these tax assessors have the ability to provide you with the complete detail about the criteria for paying the tax. Moreover, you will also be able to get an idea about all the recommendations and changes that are done by the tax department regarding the assessment of the tax.

2) Know your audience: 

Before going to commence the business taxation assessment writing task, you should take a review of the audience. The best way to communicate with your audience in an effective, you should try to know the answers to the following questions;

A) Is the audience of the business taxation assessment familiar with the most important terms that you are going to use in it?

B) Is this important piece of writing is interesting to them or not?

C) What is the average age of the audience members?

3) Think like a reporter: 

Another important tip that is helpful for the students to create interest in their business tax assessment is that they should try to think like a reporter. As we know that a reporter tries to take a review of the topic from all the sides and he/she tries to get all the answers like Why, Who, When, Where, How, and so on. In a similar way, you should also try to provide the answers that “Why is it necessary to pay the taxes?”, “What is the percentage of payable taxes”, “How to reduce the amount of the payable taxes?”, and so on.

4) Banish buzzwords and cliches:

There are a lot of business taxation assessment writers who try to use a lot of clichés and buzzwords. These clichés and buzz words can become the cause of distracting the attention of the audience from the main theme of the business taxation assessment. Due to this reason, you should try to banish these kinds of the buzzwords and clichés in your business taxation assessment.

Along with these tips, you should also try to junk the jargons, keep it tight, and write down it in the plain and simple way.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

How To Get Help Online With Finding Literature and Research?

All kinds of the written material like books, journal articles and academic papers that are written on a specific topic is known as literature. The most important benefits of conducting the literature review research are that it is helpful to you to create unique and original content for your academic paper without any plagiarism issues, to synthesize the most important information regarding your topic, to enhance your data analysis techniques, and to get familiar with the most important terminologies regarding to your subject. The best way to do the literature review research is to visit your university library. If you are not able to find enough data from the library, then you can conduct an online research. Here, we will discuss the most important resources to get online help with finding literature and research.
1) Bibliography or general online databases

There are a lot of famous universities that are providing the facilities of online databases to their students. You can visit these universities and find out the most important books, articles as well as academic paper samples regarding your topic. The most important online university databases are given below;

A) Bibliography of Asian studies

B) Blackwell reference online

C) Cochrane Library

D) Colombia International Affairs online

E) Encyclopedia Britannica Online

2) Online writing services

No doubt, as a student, it is a real challenge for you to find out some authentic online resources in order to gather the literature regarding your topic. If you are not able to find out some authentic online resources in order to gather the data for your academic papers, then you can get help from the dissertation writing services. The expert writers will provide the list of the best resources in order to gather the data for your academic paper. Moreover, these writing services are also providing offers to the students to get the custom written literature review chapters for their academic papers.

3) Publisher databases and journal websites

Along with the bibliography and general online databases, there are also a huge number of publisher databases and journal websites that are providing a huge amount of literature to the students in order to complete their academic papers. The most important resources in this regard are given below;

A) Journal of Accounting and Economics

B) Journal of Accounting Research

C) MIS Quarterly

D) New England Journal of Medicine

E) The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

These are the most important journal websites and you can also find out some journal websites in order to gather the data regarding your research topic.

4) Subject-Specific databases

If you are facing some hazards to gather the data from those databases where general data related to all the subjects are available, then you can find out some subject-specific databases. The most important subject-specific databases are given below;

A) Art Fulltext (You can gather the data related to the ART subject)

B) CINAHL (This is an important resource to find out the data regarding the Nursing subject)

C) PsycINFO (If you are looking for the Psychology subject data, then this is an important resource for you)

Wednesday 17 January 2018

What Are The Best And Useful Appropriate Academic Writing Styles?

An academic writing style provides an idea about the personality of a writer that which methods are used by him/her in order to convey his/her message towards the audience or readers. The academic style also depends upon the purpose of an academic paper. Sometimes, you will have to explain something through your academic paper, sometimes you will have to describe an object through your academic paper, sometimes you will have to convince the audience through your academic paper, and sometimes, you will have to tell a story in your academic paper. On the basis of the different purposes to write an academic paper, there are four academic writing styles that are adopted by the writers.
1) Expository academic writing style

An expository writing style is an object-oriented academic writing style and the main purpose of the expository writing style is to explain something. The writers will try to explain a particular topic or object with the help of the original ideas about the topic without providing their own ideas. This type of the academic writing style is usually adopted by the expert writers of the dissertation writing services. If you are going to write down an academic paper by using the expository writing style, then you should keep in mind these key points;

A) Try to explain an object or topic in a process

B) Never forget to write down the best facts and figures in it

C) Everything should be written in a logical order

2) Descriptive academic writing style

The main purpose of adopting the descriptive academic writing style is to describe an object, an event or a character. To write an academic paper by adopting the descriptive writing style, you should keep in mind these important points;

A) The basic nature of the academic writing style is poetic

B) All the aspects of that event, object or character should be explained by providing the detailed information

C) The best way to gather the data by using the descriptive writing style is to use your sensory organs

3) Persuasive academic writing style

If you want to convince someone through your academic paper, then it is the best choice for you to adopt the persuasive academic writing style. If you are going to write an academic paper by adopting the persuasive writing style, then you can provide your own views and ideas on it. The most important points of the persuasive writing style are given below;

A) To write an academic paper by adopting the persuasive academic writing style, it is an unavoidable thing for you to provide the justifications and arguments in it.

B) You should try to take a stand and convince the audience

C) You should argue the audience to do something to support your point of view

4) Narrative academic writing style

If you are going to tell a story to the audience with the help of your academic paper, then you adopt the narrative academic writing style. To write an academic paper by adopting a narrative writing style, we should keep in mind these important points;

A) You should try to tell a story about an event

B) Never forget to put different characters and dialogues in it

C) There should be a logical beginning, interval as well as ending

Some Most Useful Methods To Referencing And Avoiding Plagiarism

To write a plagiarism free academic paper is a real headache for the students. Its reason is that most of the students don’t have enough writing skills and they are not able to create unique and original for their academic papers. On the other hand, there are also some students who don’t know how to avoid issues in their academic papers. These plagiarism issues may occur due to directly copy the text for the different resources or to record the different elements, paraphrase, and copy some sentences or phrases without providing the references to their references. The academic help is the best resource for the students in order to get rid of the plagiarism issues. Here, we will provide some important tips to the students that are helpful for them to reference the different resources in their academic papers in order to avoid plagiarism issues.

1) Paraphrase

As we know that it is an unavoidable thing for us to read out the different resources in order to gather the data for our academic papers. While reading out any particular source, if you find something interesting that you think that it should be written in your academic paper, then you can write down that information in your academic paper in your own words. After writing down that information, you should provide a reference to that information in order to avoid plagiarism issues.

2) Cite

There are a lot of formats that can be used to write down an academic paper. The most important formats that are required by the different universities are MLA citation style, APA citation style, and Chicago citation style. You can use one of them in order to cite all of the resources from where you have collected the data in your academic paper. To cite the different resources by using any kind of the formatting style, you should have a clear idea about the name of the writer and the date of the publication of the data.

3) Quoting

Sometimes, there is a possibility that while reading information from a particular resource, you come to know that some information should be written in your academic paper without any change. You can write an information of 40 or more than 40 words in your academic paper, but this direct information should be written by using the block quotes. After writing down that information, it is also necessary for you to cite its resource. Its citing process is a little bit different from the siting process of the other paraphrases. You will have to provide the page number and paragraph number along with the writer name and publication date in it.

4) Cite your own material

It is a fact that during the academic career, we will have to write a lot of academic papers. Sometimes, there is also a possibility that we find some interesting information from our previous work that should be the part of that particular academic paper. We can use that information in our academic paper in the similar way as we have used the information from the other resources by providing the proper reference.

Some Best Secret Of Writing a Good Dissertation

To write a dissertation is the most important and challenging task in the academic career of a student. Most of the students feel humble when there comes the time of writing a dissertation. Its reason is that to write a dissertation, they will have to spend a lot of hours to gather the information, to analyze that information, and to create unique and original content for the dissertation. There are a lot of students who have lack of writing, researching, analyzing, and proofreading skills and due to the lack of these skills, it is almost impossible for them to create a monument of the dissertation and they feel a fear of being failed. Here, we will provide some secrets to the students that are helpful for them to write a good dissertation.

1) Pull from the past

The most common problem that can become the cause of failure for the students is that they write a dissertation on such topic that is very common to the audience and already, there are a lot of research papers are written on that topic. Therefore, the first secret to writing down the best quality dissertation in order to save yourself from the failure is to select a unique and novice topic. Moreover, this topic should have a good scope in the market.

2) Tap into resources

When you are going to write a dissertation on any topic, then you should try to collect the data from the plenty of resources. Some students try to collect the data from the ordinary resources and their dissertation is not authenticated to the audience. Therefore, the best way to increase the authenticity of the dissertation is to gather the data from the most famous resources only. If you are not able to find out the most famous resources in order to collect the data for your dissertation, then you can get help from the dissertation writing services.

3) Make it relative

No doubt, a dissertation is a lengthy piece of writing and you will have to write up to 10,000 words in it and to gather such a huge amount of data on a single topic is a real challenge for the students. Instead of these difficulties, you should try to write down that data which is relevant to the topic of the dissertation. There is no need to write down the irrelevant data in your dissertation. If you try to write a dissertation with the help of the irrelevant content, then this thing can also become the cause of failure of the students.

4) Take help from the professionals

If you think that you can write a dissertation a dissertation without any assistance, then you are at fault. Its reason is that a dissertation is challenging task for the students and the only way to complete it within the given time is to get help from the experts. You can get help from your supervisor and other faculty members. Anyhow, if you are not able to get the required help from them, then you can contact with the expert writers of the dissertation writing services.

How To Build Up The Essay Using The Material You Have Collected?

An essay is a shorter piece of writing on any topic. During your academic career, you will be frequently asked to write an essay on the different topics. Therefore, an essay is also the most famous type of an academic paper. To create a masterpiece of an essay is not as an easy task for the students. That’s why most of the students try to get help from the essay writing services. The first step to writing any kind of the essay is to select an interesting topic. After selecting an interesting topic, the next step is to conduct an effective research in order to collect the data for your essay. This data should be collected from the most famous resources only. Here, we will provide some important tips to the students that are helpful for them in order to build up the essay using the material that they have collected.

1) Pick up the thesis statement

The thesis statement is considered as the most important component of your essay. To pick up the thesis statement, you should take a glance at all the ideas that you have collected in order to write an essay. After taking a glance at these ideas, you should try to select two or three ideas that are most relevant to the topic of the essay. You should try to select such ideas for the thesis statement that are easy for you to explain in the body of the essay with the help of the valid examples and evidence.

2) Write an introduction

As we know that an essay consists of three parts. The first part is known as the introduction and it should be written in one paragraph only. Moreover, the length of the introductory part of an essay should not exceed the 20% of the whole length of the essay. You should try to start the introduction with the help of an example. It is also necessary for the students to hook the readers by writing the great first sentence of an essay. After it, you should try to provide a short introduction to the topic of the essay. At the end, you should write down the thesis statement.

3) Write the body

After the introductory part of an essay, there comes the body of the essay. The body of an essay consists of three paragraphs and its length should be 80% of the whole length of the essay. In each body paragraph, you should try to explain only one argument of the thesis statement with the help of supporting examples and evidence.

4) Write the conclusion

The last part of an essay is known as the conclusion and it should consist of one paragraph. The length of the concluding part of an essay should not exceed the 20% length of the whole essay. In the concluding part of an essay, you should try to write down the most important points of your essay in a summarized way. There is no need to write down any new or common point in it.

After creating a masterpiece of an essay by following these tips, never forget to proofread and edit it in order to remove all the mistakes from it.

Best Ways To Introduce The Ideas/Pieces Of Evidence/Quote/Stages Of Arguments

The ideas, evidence, quotes, and arguments are considered as the most important components of our academic paper. Its reason is that we have to start an academic paper by formulating the best thesis statement. This thesis statement consists of the best arguments. This thesis statement should be supported with the help of the best ideas, evidence, and quotes. There are a lot of students who are not able to introduce the best ideas, evidence, quotes, and arguments in their academic papers. Here, we will provide some tips to the students that are helpful for them to introduce the best ideas, evidence, quotes, and arguments in their academic papers.

Tips to introduce the best ideas

If you want to increase the originality of your academic paper, then you should try to introduce the new ideas in it. These ideas should be unique and novice to the audience. Some tips to introduce these ideas in your academic paper are given below;

1) You can introduce a new idea in your academic paper by making it a logical solution to a problem.

2) You can also introduce a new idea by using the anecdotes, Cuisenaire rods creation or Cuisenaire rod model.

3) You can also introduce an idea in your academic paper by formulating a question.

If you are not able to create unique and original ideas for your academic paper, then you can get help from the assignment writing services.

Tips to introduce the pieces of evidence

To support an argument in the academic paper, it is the most important and unavoidable thing for the students to write down some examples and evidence in the support of that argument. The best ways to introduce the pieces of evidence are given below;

1) You should try to introduce such evidence that is not common to your audience. You can introduce the evidence by using the words like “According to the author”.

2) You can also introduce an evidence that should be based on the results of a survey.

3) Another important way to introduce an evidence is to write down a natural phenomenon.

Tips to introduce quotes

The most important tips to introduce the quotes in your academic paper are given below;

1) The best way to introduce a quote in your academic paper is to write it by using the colons.

2) If you are going to introduce a quote from a research paper, then you can introduce it with the help of a phrase and the name of the source and it should be written within the inverted commas.

Tips to introduce the stages of arguments

It is necessary for us to formulate two or three arguments in our academic paper in the form of a thesis statement. The most important tips to introduce these arguments are given below;

1) You can introduce an argument in the form of a controversial issue.

2) Another important way to introduce an argument is to write it down in the form of your own views.

3) These arguments can also introduce in the form of convincing questions.